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Reminiscence, mechanism and goal

Music stimulates asociated memory can be seen in daily lives.

When you go to supermarket these days you will hear them playing Lunar new year music. Customers easily associate music with happiness in Lunar new year, then, of course, it's time to 辦年貨. And you immediately find candies and gift packs everywhere next to you. You then purchase and go home happily. In this case study, music served the purpose of stimulate associate memory, to achieve the goal - consume more, actions taken by the "conductor" - show goods arround and present in very convenient ways.

Back to music therapy, what is the goal and mechanism of using music for reminiscence? Here is one example: Goals - give the client a yee woo so he played with it as he was 50 years ago. the Volunteer becomes the audience and friends to share his music and happy times, empowerment and reidentify himself. Goals - play music they like and they start sharing their old days, with tears and laughters. The counsellor listened and helped them say it out, relieved and being wrapped out.

Here comes to a question: who should conduct this activity? music therapy? social worker? counsellor? Controversal and depends on setting and goals Music therapists of course believe they are the only person can complete the job in real depth and real purpose Social workers of course believe they know their case clients the best and understand their true needs Counsellors of course believe they have counselling skills which is essential in verbal conversation for emotion channeling Even they have different perspectives, there's one thing in common - the process requires professional skills and could be implement ONLY by a profession. The choice of professions depends on goals. Please don't let someone without professional skills to do this. Many people say " a volunteer, care worker or literally anyone can do this by pressing the start button on and off, and say something standard script on certain themes" YES, you get the activity done, But DOES IT WORK WITH GROUND THEORY AND SERVE THE PURPOSE YOU SET?

Back to supermarket case, if they put golds, old fashion candies arround the shop. Will customer purchase as they do now? Definitely it won't happen. The supermarket has marketing team, sales team. Even the most "low cost" labour cashier are professional as a cashier. They have practical experiences 10 hours a day. If you really want to cut cost, the only thing you can do maybe gift wrapping, the free service with the lowest risk compared with other staff on the selling production line 銷售生產線上

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